Friday 110824
Together, you and I, let’s open the Word and study what we’ve ALL been freely given. Use me to help you open up your Bible and search what God wants for us to hear. We’re only going follow what we find written in the Word that pertains to us and hopefully from what we find, we will be able to use it in our lives, not only for ourselves but hopefully for those that we love also.
The verses we are going to study tonight:
John 1:17; Matthew 28:19; Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20; Revelation 20:22; 2 Corinthians 13:14.
So, I am right now posting my study on ten (10) different sites on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings:
Facebook – whosoeverinhim Bible study
WordPress –
Weebly –
Wix –
Wix –
Blogger – –
Tumblr –
Webador –
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In my attempt to spread the MESSAGE of Jesus to the people in the 21st century, instead of releasing ten (10) different papers a week, I’m going to try to release one (1) paper on ten (10) different sites.
It’s been ten years plus, since I left a church due to what I consider the wrong people being allowed to teach what they believed to be true.
I think our churches today need to teach their congregations how to read the Word. NUMBER ONE priority.
I know so many pastors today are busy writing or buying sermons online that speak of their family or friends that have had things happen to them that were either positive or negative in their lives but, why not just read the Bible and teach about the stories God has already told us, why is there the need to write new or maybe why does it have to be better?
I know this because I wrote those sermons too.
At this church I was attending, there was an individual that believed that Jesus was not God, and his mind was set that he was going to change everyone else in the church to believe the same that he believed in.
What was so unfortunate, the senior pastor in the church just sat in the back, kept quiet and watched what those around him said.
I was an associate pastor at the church and the Bible study teacher. There were some mornings when I gave the sermon, but the majority of the time the senior pastor did that. It kept getting harder and harder, just to step foot inside the church because I never knew for sure what was going to be spoken on that particular day.
One Sunday, this younger man gave the sermon to the church, it was a strange sermon. I remember there was the question over the placement of a comma in a verse; another was over how a woman was to completely and totally ‘submit’ to her husband and finally the comment that Jesus wasn’t God, and he had verses taken from out of the Bible that proved his statement.
It was on that day, when enough was enough. I couldn’t, any longer, be a part of a church that I didn’t commit to giving my entire self to. My faith in God, believe it or not, was strengthened, that day, for me.
It was because of that one hurdle, that I was unable to get over and accept, that not only kept me from ever going back into that church building, ever again, it also began allowing me to see just how much UNBELIEF there was in our 21st century churches throughout the United States, if not, the entire world.
I could go even further; most every church today is so far away from following what the apostle Paul was trying to teach us back in the 1st century and actually teach us what the Word is telling us and instead, these churches were telling stories what they wanted to tell. They would change the words in a story from inside the Bible, change the words to fit around their lives and that would be the sermon for that Sunday.
In the years since I’ve left that church, I’ve found it very hard to get involved in other churches because I keep seeing red flags that caution me regarding the sin of UNBELIEF.
The man from this church I used to attend, I think he used the King James Version which was printed back in 1611.
Back then, characters that were used in the English language, printing back in 1611, were not the same characters that we see being used today.
Here is an example comparing the same verse, in two (2) different versions from different time periods.
John 1:17
‘…For the Law was giuen by Moses, but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ…’ KJV1611
‘…For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)
Is this what the young man was referring to … (smh) … it really doesn’t matter anymore, I’ve moved on. This church is nothing more than a memory.
But in most cases, this is the defense that most atheists settle with. Since an atheist doesn’t actually read the Bible and listen to God speak through the Words, they instead are looking at words trying to find fault with the teachings in the Word.
An atheist looks for a problem and then sets out to disprove. However, the day will come when they will be held accountable for the damage they have caused in God’s plan of salvation. On that particular day, those people will have to give an answer.
The Bible displays the ‘Godhead’ several times throughout Scripture. That is, if you want to find it. If a person doesn’t want to find it, they’ll just look in the opposite direction (in this case, they’ll look down).
Matthew 28:19 ‘…Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)
This is a verse displaying the ‘Trinity.’ (the TRIUNE God).
In Genesis 1:1, the very first verse in the Bible:
‘…In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)
That word used in the verse, ‘GOD’ in the original Hebrew Bible is ‘ELOHIM.’
‘…Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve’et ha’aretz…’ transliterated Hebrew
Elohim is the plural of ʾĔlōah (אֱלוֹהַּ) and means ‘Gods’ or ‘Godhead.’
In Christianity, ‘Godhead’ refers to the essence of God, which is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of the central Christian affirmations about God.
Romans 1:20 ‘…For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)
Over the years, I’ve shown how different English versions do nothing other than allow the reader to understand what a word means since they use that word every day when they talk.
A year or so ago, a man needed to have proof in the words used in Scripture and it had to be the AKJV, the KJV from the 1611 English Bible.
The word that was talked about was the word ‘soon’ and there was this elderly man that wouldn’t believe it unless it was shown in the AV1611.
Turns out the word soon is not used in the AV1611, instead it uses the word ‘quickly.’
Revelation 20:22
‘…He which testifieth these things saith, Surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)
This ‘QUICKLY’ was nearly 2000 years ago … how ‘quick’ is QUICKLY in the AKJV?
Here is a more modern version, it may be easier to understand what is being said.
‘…Jesus is the one who says that all of this is true. Now he says, yes, I am coming soon. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus…’ ERV (Easy-to-Read Version)
Mankind’s problem, and I’m not talking Jew or Gentile, young or old, AV1611, AKJV, KJV, NKJV or ERV; if the message was not acceptable by God Himself, He’d never allow it to be left open for a believer in Him, to see.
There are those in the United States that will not believe anything unless it’s found in a KJV of the Bible.
There are Rabbi’s in this world, that won’t believe anything unless it was written in the original Bible …
The thing is that the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they were Jews that read the very original scrolls daily, and they still didn’t believe what was written in the Word.
Maybe this is why the ‘chosen people’ aren’t so special any longer because of their UNBELIEF, maybe we need some of us to start BELIEVING in the WORDS God gave us and forget about the words for next weeks sermon and just READ THE WORD.
2 Corinthians 13:14 ‘…The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)
Another example, taken from the Word showing us the ‘Godhead’ the TRIUNE God, the TRINITY.
I am as unsure on our churches in this country as I am unsure our kids are learning what they need to learn in our schools, here in America.
Our GREED and evil have brought this country down to its knees. Our kids today, they have no idea what it means to live in the United States of America.
Our country is in for a rude awakening, I really think.
Years ago, every third word out of my mouth was ‘ARE YOU READY.’
This could be very appropriate for today:
I wish I could speak into every ear and have the person listen just for a minute. This is why every one of us need to speak up to those around us.
We need to tell people in this country to:
Get over the fact that you were lied to, yesterday. You were ripped off, yesterday. You had to file unemployment, yesterday. You got laid off, yesterday. You were divorced, yesterday.
Begin your sayings with:
I found Jesus. I know what my plan is.
Read the Bible and begin to find out the truth. Read the Bible and learn about all the lies that you’ve been told in the past. Take the time to realize all the lies that you believed, as if they were true.
Keep your Bibles open and read the Word God has given us so we can make it in this life we’re in. Read the Word that He wants you to hear, because it’s the truth. Keep your Bibles open and stop listening to the lies that are going on all around you every day. Read what God wants you to hear.
I love y’all … do yourself, a very big favor, and YOU LOVE YOURSELF, ALSO.
Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen InHIM. ><)))o>