Saturday 122124
Don’t let me or my writings influence or scare you in any way, instead, allow me to be used as a vessel to open the Word, just a little bit, and hopefully, together we are going to read and study His Word, and let God teach us what He wants us to hear.
So, our study consists of two ground rules:
1st we ONLY read and follow what is found in the Holy Bible.
2nd we ONLY learn from a study by what effort we put into that study.
The verses we are going to study tonight:
John 4:4, 7a; Philippians 4:8; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16.
So, let’s begin …
From a previous study we know that we MUST change our lives to fit around the Word and not change the word to fit around our lives.
After me re-reading the past study, I also have realized just how bad off my family and friends really are. I keep asking myself, ‘what do I need to do to help them?’
All I can do is pray for them and ask that God might give them a peek at what their future is looking like.
So tonight, I want to focus on what God tells me I can do for those that are lost.
As I have been online, searching for ways to minister to the lost, I have found some very interesting viewpoints.
Maybe the 1st and most relevant for me was when there was a posting that put ‘LISTEN and EMPATHIZE’ as being the way one should approach to help minister to the lost individual.
I found an opinion on
What is an example of a good listener in the Bible?
One notable example is the encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4:1-42). Jesus listened intently to her story, acknowledging her deepest struggles and offering her living water. His attentive listening broke societal barriers transformed her life and ignited a revival in her community.
I know for myself personally, the woman at the well is one of my favorite stories of Jesus interacting in a Gentile land with a Gentile woman from Samaria.
John 4:4 ‘…on his way there he had to go through Samaria…’
And in vs7a ‘…A Samaritan woman came to draw some water… GNT (Good News Translation)
Rather than us holding up the Bible and confronting the lost individual with verse after verse of Scripture, we should be sitting and opening our ears and listening to their struggles and stories of the lost before we even begin thinking about anything else.
We should listen to the lost person’s struggle before we begin to think about a way out for the lost to find their way back to Jesus.
Empathize in the dictionary is defined as understanding and sharing feelings with an individual.
When Jesus was at the well with the woman in Samaria, He wasn’t quoting Scripture or accusing the woman of what she had done wrong in her life. He didn’t make comments on her appearance or her cleanliness.
The next thing on this list after listening and empathizing was for us to PRAY.
We should pray asking God what is it that we can do for this individual.
Ask that He gives us the knowledge to be able to speak the words needed to help the individual redirect their focus away from what has been keeping them lost, whether it’d be because of a religion or whatever.
Phillipians 4:8 ‘…Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]…’ AMP (Amplified Bible)
Rather than quickly determining a solution and reacting, allow God the opportunity to be the reaction. Allow Him to make the next move, instead of you interrupting His plan for saving those lost souls that are found all around us today.
Next, voice your experiences that you have either faced yourself or voice those experiences you’ve seen with others.
Interact with caution, care and concern. Don’t overburden the individual with your beliefs or your solutions but rather, try and seek what and where the individual is in their own walk in this life.
When the time comes for eventually voicing relevant verses from the Bible, share verses that mean the most to you, but give extra consideration for the individual that you are speaking to and consider specific situations and possible specific emotions the unbeliever may be facing at that present time.
1 Corinthians 2
vs1 ‘…Christian friends, I came to tell you God’s true message. I did not use clever words when I spoke to you. I did not try to make you think that I was very wise…’
vs2 ‘…While I was with you, I decided to teach you only about Jesus Christ. I taught you about his death on a cross. I wanted to forget everything else…’
vs3 ‘…I lived among you as someone who felt weak. I was very afraid…’
vs4 ‘…When I spoke to you and when I taught you God’s message, I did not use clever words. I did not want you to believe me because you thought I was wise. Instead, it was the power of God’s Holy Spirit that showed you that my message was true…’
vs5 ‘…As a result, you now believe because of God’s power. You do not believe because of human ideas…’
vs6 ‘…But we do speak about wise thoughts to those of you who know Christ very well. But those wise thoughts do not belong to this world. They are not the ideas that the rulers of this world think are important. Those rulers will not be powerful for long…’
vs7 ‘…No, the wise thoughts that we speak about belong to God. He has hidden them from people until now. But before God made the world, he decided to let us know these secrets. He wanted us to enjoy his glory…’
vs8 ‘…None of the rulers of this world understood God’s wise plan. If they had understood, they would not have killed Jesus on a cross. He is the Lord who rules heaven and earth…’
vs9 ‘…This is written in the Bible: Nobody ever saw or heard anything about this.
Nobody ever thought that it could happen.
But these are the things that God has prepared for his people who love him…’
vs10 ‘…But God has sent his Spirit to show these secrets to us. God’s Spirit looks carefully into everything. He even knows God’s secret thoughts…’
vs11 ‘…Only a person’s own spirit can know everything that is in his thoughts. And it is the same with God. Only God’s Spirit knows everything that is in God’s thoughts…’
vs12 ‘…We have received God’s own Spirit, not a spirit that belongs to this world. As a result, we can understand all the good things that God has given to us…’
vs13 ‘…Those are the things that we speak about. We do not use clever words to speak about human ideas. Instead, we speak the message that God’s Spirit has taught us. In that way, we explain a spiritual message to people who have God’s Spirit…’
vs14 ‘…If someone does not believe in God, they cannot accept the message that comes from God’s Spirit. They think that God’s message is silly. They cannot even understand those things. Only God’s Spirit can explain them to people…’
vs15 ‘…But we have God’s Spirit with us. So, we can understand the true value of all things. But other people cannot truly understand us, who belong to God…’
vs16 ‘…As it says in the Bible: Nobody can know what the Lord God is thinking. Nobody can tell him what he should do. But we think about these things in the same way that Christ thinks…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)
In a second article on google, I found a list of 5 things that help us understand our salvation.
1-we all are sinners and stand under the judgment of God.
2-God loves us, and Jesus came to make forgiveness and salvation possible. He died on the cross as the complete sacrifice for our sins. He took on Himself the judgment that we deserve.
3-God in His grace offers us the gift of eternal life. But like any gift, it becomes ours ONLY when we respond and receive it.
4-salvation is intimately linked to Jesus and the cross. Jesus’ virgin birth, by the miraculous intervention of the Holy Spirit, meant that He did not inherit a sinful human nature like we did. Neither did Jesus commit any sin during His lifetime. Jesus became the only perfect Man, and as such, He was uniquely qualified to put into action God’s plan of salvation for mankind. On the cross, Jesus took the punishment of our sin. He was our Substitute. He suffered the judgment and condemnation of death that our sinful nature and deeds deserve.
5-faith is essential for salvation. But there are various kinds of beliefs or faith, and not all are linked to salvation. In the New Testament, faith means more than intellectual belief. It involves trust and commitment. I may say that I believe a bridge will hold my weight. But I really believe it only when I commit myself to it and walk across it. Salvation faith involves an act of commitment and trust, in which you commit your life to Jesus Christ and trust Him alone as your Savior and Lord.
So far, just from this study I have been so calmed down just realizing to sit down, relax and calmly allow God the glory to gather His lost.
God will use us but we MUST allow God to work through us so His work can be fulfilled.
If we enter into the task …, WHAT CAN I DO … we are going to fail the lost, fail ourselves and we are going to fail God for allowing Him the opportunity to recover the lost soul.
Keep your mind and focus on God and allow Him to work through you.
I love every one of you. Always remember that God loves us even that much more. He wants you to be with Him and by His side. Keep in His Word and allow Him to work through you.
Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen.
InHIM. ><)))o>