Tuesday 020425
Don’t let me or my writings influence or scare you in any way, instead, allow me to be used as a vessel to open the Word, just a little bit, and hopefully, together we are going to read and study His Word, and let God teach us what He wants us to hear.
Since the beginning of this study, our vision has been that we are ONLY going to follow what is found in the Holy Bible, that pertains to us, and we realize that it’s ONLY from our own effort that we put into this study, that we’re going to take anything away for our own use.
The verses we are going to study tonight:
1 Timothy 2:1-4; John 12:27-36.
Tonight’s lesson might get a little rocky for some … but I think there is value in it.
Over the years, have you noticed the songs that have come on the radio? I’m going to just a few:
I can only Imagine
Talking to Jesus
If I got Jesus
These hardly can be considered a long list, but my point is, have you ever put your earbuds in and actually listened to the lyrics?
I remember when my mother-in-law was still alive, and ‘I can only imagine’ came on the radio. Arms were lifted into the sky and praise and worship followed.
I still want those memories to come into my life.
Surrounded by Your glory… What will my heart feel? Will I dance for You Jesus… Or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence… Or to my knees, will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah… Will I be able to speak at all?
To this day, this is one of the more powerful GIFTS that we (mankind) have been given. The gift of our imagination can be so strong and influential in our lives. We can use our imagination to our advantage but with that being said, our imagination can destroy us. It can lead our hearts in the direction of darkness. We can bury ourselves if we allow ourselves to focus on the wrong image.
This is another good reason why we keep in God’s Word. It’s an even better reason why we keep in constant communication with Him.
While I was still working, a song came out, that to this day I want to shout and begin talking with Him.
I’m talking about the song:
When I worked, we couldn’t wear earbuds, we were told it was a safety hazard. By not hearing this song, it was the real ‘safety hazard.’
If you’ve never been blessed enough to hear the words, turn on your radio; pull up the video on your phone, tablet or laptop. Put in your earbuds, put on your headphones, turn up the volume and just listen to the words and enjoy.
The song begins:
Grandma used to pray out loud, By her bed every night…
This song tells it all in the first sentence. Even though today I’m a grandpa, when I heard this song for the first time, I remembered hearing the voices and sounds from my grandparents.
To me, it sounded like mumbling… Like she was out of her mind…
From this point, the song just grabbed onto me, holding me quiet and still, wanting to hear every syllable.
She said, Boy, this kind of praying… Is what saved my life… You outta try it sometime…
And then, the ‘frosting on the cake’ …
And now I know she was right… She was talking to Jesus… She was talking to Jesus… She’d been talking to Jesus… For all of her life…
Kids, parents, grandparents … this is a lesson we all need to hear.
1 Timothy 2
vs1 ‘…So then, this is what I want to ask you first. Please pray for all people. Ask God to supply what they need. Ask God to help them. Thank God for what he does for everyone…’
vs2 ‘…Pray in that way for kings and for all rulers and people who have authority. Pray for God to help them, so that we may live our lives without trouble or danger. Then we can live in a good way that respects God and other people…’
vs3 ‘…It is good that we should pray like that. It makes God, our Saviour, happy…’
vs4 ‘…He wants to save all people. He wants everyone to know his message about what is true…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)
Cause now I’m talking to Jesus… She got me talking to Jesus… She got me talking to Jesus… Yeah, my mama was right…
Cause now I’m talking to Jesus… Yeah, I love talking to Jesus… And I’ll be talking to Jesus… For the rest of my life…
This is what our lives are missing is that one-on-one relationship with Him that is going to save us.
What a friend we have in Jesus… What a friend we have in Jesus… Don’t you know… What a friend we have in Jesus… Oh-oh-oh, what a friend we have…
It is in those times when we are alone and in His presence when time stops. Our lives are made complete. The questions we may have, they’ve been answered.
What a friend we have in Jesus… What a friend we have in Jesus… What a friend we have in Jesus… Oh-oh-oh…
This one song, still to this day, just satisfies me.
I saw my wife post a video on Facebook this morning…
The song’s opening lyrics are relatable, as they convey the idea that Jesus is all that is needed, even during the darkest times of loss.
I’ve had a dollar to my name… I’ve had friends that walked away… And I’ve even lost myself a time or two… There were bridges crossed and burned… But through all the wreckage I have learned… There is one thing that I can never lose…
This song begins as if it were an example of life. How much money has just slipped through our hands throughout this life we’re in? Maybe today we need money.
How many friends have gone away over the years? Think back through your school years, your college days, how many friends have you had and how many are still here today?
There is one lesson from this song that we can ALL learn from.
If I got Jesus… I’ve got all that I could ever need…
Take the world away from me… And I’ll be okay…
Repeat it and say it again:
If I got Jesus… There’s a hope that’s living deep inside… A joy that I could never hide…
a safe place to fall… If I got Jesus, I got it all, mmm…
This is our Hope. It is the one only wish that will ever keep us human beings whole. This world that we live in is trying so hard to stop you in your tracks so they can take from you, whatever it is that you have …
If I got Jesus… There’s a hope that’s living deep inside… A joy that I could never hide…
a safe place to fall… If I got Jesus, I got it all, mmm…
After Jesus had raised Lazarus from his tomb, He foretold us of His own death.
John 12
vs27 ‘…Now my heart is troubled—and what shall I say? Shall I say, Father, do not let this hour come upon me? But that is why I came—so that I might go through this hour of suffering…’
vs28 ‘…Father, bring glory to your name! Then a voice spoke from heaven, I have brought glory to it, and I will do so again…’
vs29 ‘…The crowd standing there heard the voice, and some of them said it was thunder, while others said, an angel spoke to him…’
vs 30 ‘…But Jesus said to them, it was not for my sake that this voice spoke, but for yours…’
vs31 ‘…Now is the time for this world to be judged; now the ruler of this world will be overthrown…’
vs32 ‘…When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me…’
vs33 ‘…In saying this he indicated the kind of death he was going to suffer…’
vs34 ‘…The crowd answered, Our Law tells us that the Messiah will live forever. How, then, can you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man…’
vs35 ‘…Jesus answered, the light will be among you a little longer. Continue on your way while you have the light, so that the darkness will not come upon you; for the one who walks in the dark does not know where he is going…’
vs36 ‘…Believe in the light, then, while you have it, so that you will be the people of the light…’ GNT (Good News Translation)
We should continue with these verses …
You have until I call your name, when the trump sounds it is over for my church.
My Father’s will is done, once again.
The end is near, ARE YOU READY?
I love all of y’all. Keep your Bibles open and continue to study His Word every day. Rely on His Message always.
Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen
InHIM. ><)))o>
Ps-since I’ve wrote this,
… they hung Him up …
… on a cross …
… they nailed Him by His hands and feet …
… the blood He lost …
… … …
… our SAVIOR …
… the HOLY One …