have you not read …

Monday 110424

Ephesians 2:8 ‘…For by GRACE you have been SAVED through FAITH; and this is not of yourselves, it is a GIFT of God…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

Let’s together, open the Word of God this morning, and study what we have been given. Allow me to help you in your study and search the Bible what God has intended for us to hear.

The verses we are going to study tonight:

Matthew 12:3, :5, 19:4, 21:42; Acts 9:15; Matthew 15:24; Isaiah 40:8; Ephesians 2:8; 1 Corinthians 15:14; Exodus 16:35. 

This morning, I have to discuss something that has been troubling me regarding a message I heard about a week ago.

I was on fb and a video popped up that asked the question: do you know what Jesus preached the most of in His ministry?

Matthew 12:3 ‘…But He said to them, have you not read what David did when he became hungry, he and his companions…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

Matthew 12:5 ‘…Or have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple violate the Sabbath, and yet are innocent…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

Matthew 19:4 ‘…And He answered and said, have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

Matthew 21:42 ‘…Jesus said to them, Did you never read in the Scriptures, A stone which the builders rejected, This has become the chief cornerstone; This came about from the Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

These are all questions Jesus asked to the Jews.

Have you ever read the Scripture?

What Scripture?

The only Scripture when Jesus walked on this earth was in the synagogues. Gaurded by the Pharisees and read aloud throughout each and every day …

… and this man, his voice recorded on the video on fb, he apparently understood the Scripture, just as well as those Pharisees did, back 2000 years ago.

The Pharisees missed the part in Scripture, the prophesy about Jesus Christ coming to this earth.

The Pharisees didn’t know about Jesus from the Scripture just as this voice on fb, apparently never read the book of Acts 9:15.

Acts 9:15 where the Ascended Jesus Christ, tells Ananias of His handpicked ‘Chosen Vessel,’ Saul.

Saul to be the apostle to the Gentiles, the kings and the children of Israel.

Acts 9:15 ‘…But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

Where is this verse that people are using here lately, that says we can pick and choose what parts we want to believe out of the Bible?

Where is this verse that tells us we can preach any word we feel like preaching to ‘GOD’s’ people whether it’s true or not?

Who do these pastors, denominations and churches, who do they think they are?

Are they claiming they are wiser than God?

Are they claiming they are better than God?

Are they claiming they know more than God?

People, this is why we MUST open our own Bible and read the words that have been printed on the pages.

To that person out there listening to these pastors and these false prophets spewing lies after lies out onto this world …




Here is some truth that is found in the Bible.

Jesus came to this earth to fulfill OT promises that God made to man (the Jews).

Jesus came to this earth for the Jewish person.

Matthew 15:24 ‘…But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

‘The lost sheep of the house of Israel’ is talking about nothing other than a Jew.

Studying for this paper I have found where certain denominations are claiming that mankind, who have repented, been baptized and come to Christ can be called the house of Israel.

Where in the Word is this verse that tells us we can change what the Word says and make it fit into our lifestyle and what we want to believe in?

People, we have got to stop fitting the Word of God around our lifestyle and start changing our lifestyles to fit into the Word.

The Word is always going to remain the same. It’s not going to go out of style like our fashions here in this world.

It’s not going to be on a revolving screen, changing for a particular day in the week or for a certain monthly event.

The Word of God is forever.

Isaiah 40:8

‘…The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

‘…The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

‘…Yes, grass withers and flowers fade, but the word of our God endures forever…’ GNT (Good News Translation)

‘…Grass quickly dies, and flowers fall to the ground. But God’s promise will be true for ever…’ EASY (Easy English Translation)

Just this past week, I wrote the lesson where the apostle Paul wrote the prophecy that described everything that is going on in this world right now, today.

Paul’s prophecy shows the end time, and we can see it just by looking all around us today.

We don’t have the luxury of sitting back and waiting much longer.

We have got to get on our feet and begin doing what God has told us that He wants for us to do.

Ephesians 2:8 ‘…For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

There are some people in this world that just are unable to read the Bible. For whatever reason.

Ephesians 2:8 is written that you have been saved through FAITH.

I am sure when Paul wrote his letter, FAITH wasn’t meant to be about their donkey, and that he would walk twenty miles.

I’m sure Paul didn’t write about how our automobiles in the 21st century could run on water either, instead of gasoline.

FAITH is written to emphasize what do you believe in.

If a person’s FAITH is in knowing that Jesus Died on a cross for every sin that mankind has committed. He (Jesus) was Buried in a tomb and then three (3) days later He was Resurrected from that tomb by God and He Ascended to heaven where He remains to this day. I think an argument could be made that this person’s FAITH is going to save them.

Paul’s Gospel that He taught us is found in 1 Corinthians 15.

1 Corinthians 15

vs1 ‘…Now I make known to you, brothers and sisters, the gospel which I preached to you, which you also received, in which you also stand…’

vs2 ‘…by which you also are saved, if you hold firmly to the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain…’

vs3 ‘…For I handed down to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…’

vs4 ‘…and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

This is our promise of life in heaven for eternity.

Verse 2a is our promise:

‘…by which you also are saved …’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

There are many people in this world that make the claim: how can a loving God make people suffer.

According to google.com, the common comment people make about God allowing suffering is ‘If God is all-loving and all-powerful, why does he allow so much pain and suffering in the world?’

Or they’ll say, ‘how can a loving God send us into an Everlasting life of torment?’

Essentially questioning how a benevolent God could create or permit such hardship in the lives of His people.

Exodus 16:35 ‘…The Israelites ate the manna for 40 years, until they had finished their journey in the desert. After those 40 years, they arrived at the edge of Canaan…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

Back during the exodus from Egypt, God supplied the Israelites with manna so they could travel and eat and not have to spend their time searching for food.

But the Israelites rebelled against God; they didn’t like the food.

So, fast forward three thousand (3000) years and here is mankind today in the 21st century and man is crying how can a loving God allow His people suffer.

Man has whined, cried and turned their backs on what God has been telling them.

He’s not turning His back on those men; those men, they turned their backs on Him, and they never respected Him or His rules.

Keep your Bibles open and continue to study the Words He has given us.

Read what God has intended for us to know and prepare for.

Get yourself READY.

I love every one of y’all.

Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen InHIM. ><)))o>

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