KEEP your eyes on Jesus

Monday 111124

Don’t let me or my writings influence or scare you in any way, instead, allow me to be used as a vessel to open the Word, just a little bit, and hopefully, together we are going to read and study His Word, and let God teach us what He wants us to hear.

So, as we work through our study, we MUST remember the two ground rules:

1st we’re only going to read and follow the words that we can find in the Holy Bible that are meant for us today.

2nd we’re only going to take away from this study, what we put into it. We need to open our Bible and read it every day. We need to teach ourselves what is the truth and arm ourselves against all the lies that we are confronted with every day.

Here are the verses we will be using in tonight’s study:

Proverbs 3:5-8; Hebrews 12:2; Ephesians 1:18-21; Romans 12:2, 10:17; Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50, 17:19, 18:42; Ephesians 2:8; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 5:8-9, 39-40.

In my attempt to spread the Word, to the people in the 21st century, I am going to start and post a new lesson every morning, seven (7) days a week, starting today.

Beginning this morning, Monday November 11, 2024, I am going to post a new lesson every day, through Easter, Sunday April 20, 2025.

As of this morning, I am posting on eleven (11) different websites.

If you are on Facebook, I am:

Whosoever Inhim

Whosoever inhim Bible Study

Or simply type this in your search engine:

So, before we begin today’s lesson, allow me to speak a little on what I have been observing with myself and my writings.

Attempting to write multiple lessons a day, I’ve found where it seemed I was just copying verses taken from BibleGateway and pasting them on a paper to fill its pages.

I observed that I was posting verses taken from the Word, but I was forgetting to listen to what Jesus was telling me and in what direction I needed to go.

Proverbs 3

vs5 ‘…Trust in the Lord completely. Do not think that you understand things well enough for yourself…’

vs6 ‘…Whatever you are doing, remember that the Lord is with you. Then he will show you the right way to go…’

vs7 ‘…Do not think that you are already wise enough. Obey the Lord and refuse to do evil things…’

vs8 ‘…If you do that, it will make you healthy and strong…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

We must always remember to keep ourselves buried deep into the Word and follow what God has freely given to us.

I also would like to remind you that the Old Testament was written for the Israelites to follow. For us Gentile’s, the Old Testament is like a road map that has been passed down to us. It has not been written for us to follow but rather, it is a chart, showing us which directions, we should and should not follow so that we do not end up in the same mess that they (the Israelites) did.

The most important part of these verses is in:

vs5a ‘…Trust in the Lord completely…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

Five words that are VERY enlightening to any reader. To a believer, these are five words that should never be forgotten.

Hebrews 12:2

vs2 ‘…We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew later on he would be glad he did. Now he is seated at the right side of God’s throne…’ CEV (Contemporary English Version)

Today’s lesson, maybe should begin with us keeping our eyes on Him, keeping our ears open so that we will be able to hear the message that he has for us to see and hear.

Ephesians 1

vs18 ‘…I pray that God will bring light into your minds. Then you will understand about the many good things that he has prepared for you. You know that you will receive those things because he has chosen you to be his people. God has prepared very valuable things for you in heaven…’

vs19 ‘…You will also know how very powerful God is. He uses that power to help us now, as we trust in Christ. God’s power is greater than anything we could ever know…’

vs20 ‘…He used that power to raise Christ, so that he became alive again after his death. Then he gave Christ a place to sit at his right side in heaven…’

vs21 ‘…There, Christ rules over every other ruler and leader. He rules over everything else that has authority. He is greater than any power which people respect. That is true for the rulers of this world now, and also the rulers of the world that will come…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

In the Bible, we are taught one of the more important lessons that we will possibly, ever hear …

Romans 12:2 ‘…Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him…’ CEV (Contemporary English Version)

We are not to conform to things found in this world. The word ‘conform’ means to comply or to accept. So, we are not to comply or accept the things of this world. The news alone is one of the more disgusting things happening around us today. Do yourself a favor, take your eyes off what this world is presenting in front of you, keep your focus on Jesus. Open the Bible and keep your eyes on Him. Sit back and relax and rely on His promises.

Next, maybe the most powerful lesson we can learn from Jesus’ ministry for ALL of us humans, our FAITH in Jesus is what is going to save us.

Romans 10:17 ‘…No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ…’ CEV (Contemporary English Version)

So, keep on reading the Word.

Mark 5:34 ‘…And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague…’ KJV (King James Version)

Luke 7:50 ‘…And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace…’ KJV (King James Version)

Luke 17:19 ‘…And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole…’ KJV (King James Version)

Luke 18:42 ‘…And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee…’ KJV (King James Version)

Many more times Jesus proclaimed that it was because of a person’s faith that healed them. We have that same promise today … it is our faith in Jesus Christ that can save us.

Ephesians 2:8 ‘…For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God…’ NIV (New International Version)

Who doesn’t like a gift. Especially if it is free. Here we are told that this GRACE that God has given us is a gift from Him to us. Nowhere will you read where you need to do something to earn this gift, God gave it to us, freely.

There are men in this world that want you to pay for this gift, you need to come to their weekly church service to attain this gift, but the thing is, they didn’t give us this gift … God did, and it was for just believing in Him.

This next verse is going to open this study in another direction, so before we end this bit on hearing this message, let’s sit right here and study this word for just a little bit more.

The Bible is God’s written Word.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

vs16 ‘…All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living…’

vs17 ‘…so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed…’ GNT (Good News Translation)

In several other translations, it is written …


‘…All Scripture is God-breathed…’ NIV (New International Version)

‘…All Scripture is inspired by God…’ NLT (New Living Translation)

‘…All Scripture is breathed out by God…’ ESV (English Standard Version)

These words found in the Bible, are essentially, words taken directly from God’s own mouth.

When we read the Word, we are hearing God speaking directly to us.

So going back to Romans 10:17 ‘…So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God…’ KJV (King James Version)

The Bible is coming right out and telling us, that we need to hear His message.

Now ask yourself, do you want to trust your future by hearing another person reading the Word to you along with adding their own opinion or would you feel more comfortable reading the Word for yourself and forming your own opinion?

Let me include myself to this list of people that may add an opinion but let me remind you that this is why I have always told people for years to open the Bible up for yourself and read what God has planned for you.

You don’t need me to read the Bible to you and then offer my opinion of what has just been read. You don’t need to hear some other person’s voice either.

Open the Word yourself and listen to God speak to you, Himself.

Jesus only talked about reading the Scriptures one time in His ministry. It is in John 5; Jesus was at the Bethesda pool on purpose to heal a man that had been at the pool for 38 years.

There is a series on television called ‘the Chosen.’

I remember the first time I watched the show, I did not get anything from it.

But, with that being said, the 2nd time I watched the show, I found myself watching the Bible unfolding right in front of me, on a screen that I rarely ever turned on because, in my own opinion, the language and plots had all turned into justifying what is seen in this world that we live in today (LGBTQ, politics, false news reporters, nudity, people swearing every other word, just to hear themselves swear …).

Season 2, episode 4 (The Perfect Opportunity), is on Jesus going to the pool to heal a man that was crippled since his youth, 38 years earlier.

Just imagine, a man crippled since his youth, one day is confronted by Jesus and he was told …

John 5:8-9

vs8 ‘…Then Jesus said to him, Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk…’

vs9 ‘…The man became well immediately. He picked up his mat and he walked…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

A pharisee, standing at the pool seen the man picking up his mat, on the sabbath, and not noting the miracle that had just occurred in front of the pharisee’s eyes, he was more interested in the manmade rule of not working on the sabbath more than he was looking at the miracle in front of him and realizing who it was that was performing the miracle.

Jesus remarked to the pharisee, it is recorded in John 5:39-40

vs39 ‘…You study carefully what the Bible teaches. You think that those books will give you life with God. And it is true, those books do speak about who I am…’

vs40 ‘…But then you refuse to come to me so that you may have life with God…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

The ‘Chosen’ series allows the viewer to see the Bible present itself, right in front of the person watching.

I feel, the person that reads the Bible, is familiar of Jesus’ ministry when He walked this earth.

This study really is not on the ‘CHOSEN,’ but the tv show shows the struggle the Jewish people had to live like during the times when Jesus walked this earth.

The tv show shows how prejudice the pharisee’s were towards Jesus and how they and their religion, influenced every waking moment in the Jewish persons daily life.

But for me, this struggle gave me the strength to search for more. I have been waiting for the series to go into more detail on the apostle Paul. I cannot wait.

Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen.

InHIM. ><)))o>

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