SIN – 1

Friday 111524

Ephesians 2:8-9 ‘…For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s GIFT, so that no one can boast about it…’ GNT (Good News Translation)

You and I together, let’s open and study the Word that we have ALL been given. Use me to help you study the Bible and allow me to be used to help you search what God wants for us to hear.

Let’s only follow what we find that pertains to us and realize that it’s only from our own effort in studying His Word that is going to let us take anything away that we can use in our lives by ourselves and with those that we love.

The verses we are going to study tonight:

Romans 3:23, 3:21-31; Ephesians 2:8; Revelation 1:3, 1:11, 1:19, 4:1.

In my attempt to spread the Word, to the people in the 21st century, I am posting a new lesson every morning.

I am posting my lessons on eleven (11) different sites.

On Facebook, I am:

Whosoever Inhim

Whosoever inhim Bible Study

Or, in a search engine, simply type:

Sin is everywhere around us today. But not only that, every human being sins, every day.

That pope, a bishop, a priest, a pastor, a deacon, an usher on Sunday morning, a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, a governor, a senator, a president, a drug dealer, a drug user, and a prostitute … ALL HUMAN BEINGS SIN.

Romans 3:23 ‘…for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

Always remember that you are not the ONLY one.


I’m going to print the rest of this in an easier version for us to comprehend. The AKJV is authoritative, but I must admit, it is very hard to comprehend.

Romans 3

vs21 ‘…But now we know how to become right with God. God has shown us the way that he will accept people as right with himself. This way is not part of the Law that he gave to Moses. But God’s Law and the messages of his prophets have told us about it…’

vs22 ‘…God accepts people as right with himself because Jesus Christ did what God wanted. God accepts every person who believes in Christ. It is the same way for everyone, whether they are Jews or Gentiles…’

vs23 ‘…All people have done wrong things. Nobody can be good and great, as God wanted them to be…’

vs24 ‘…But because God is very kind, he accepts us as right with himself. That is God’s gift to us. Jesus Christ has paid for our sins so that we have become free…’

vs25 ‘…God showed everyone that Jesus Christ died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. God forgives us if we trust in Jesus and the blood of his sacrifice. God did this to show clearly that he is always right and fair. In past times, God was patient. He did not punish people who did wrong things…’

vs26 ‘…He did this to show us today that he is completely right and fair. He accepts people as right with himself if they believe in Jesus…’

vs27 ‘…So then, nobody should be proud that they are good enough. Nobody becomes right with God because they have done good things. No! God accepts a person only if that person believes in Jesus Christ…’

vs28 ‘…So this is what we are saying. A person becomes right with God if they trust in Christ. It is not because they do the good things which God’s Law teaches…’

vs29 ‘…God is not God only for Jewish people. He is also God for the Gentiles. Yes! He is the God for all people…’

vs30 ‘…There is only one God. He will accept Jews as right with himself if they believe in Christ. He will also accept other people as right with himself if they believe in Christ…’

vs31 ‘…What does this show us about God’s Law which he gave to Moses? When we say that all people need to believe in Jesus, does that mean that God’s Law has no purpose? No! When we believe in Jesus, we are showing the true purpose of God’s Law…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

The ONLY person that has walked on this planet earth that was PERFECT and without SIN was Jesus Christ and that was two thousand (2000) years ago.

ALL mankind is evil. ALL mankind sins.

There are many that do not understand why God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses to give to the Jewish people if He was one day going to get rid of them.

Who said God got rid of the Ten Commandments?

God didn’t get rid of the Ten Commandments, if we have FAITH and Believe in Jesus our FAITH is what frees us from the Ten Commandments. We are no longer ‘UNDER’ the LAW, being held accountable for when we do wrong and sin against the Ten Commandments.

Our FAITH has allowed us to accept the GIFT that God gave to us where sin no longer rules us.

Ephesians 2:8 ‘…For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH; and this is not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

There are so many ‘man-made’ churches today that do not believe in the words written by the apostle Paul. In a way, I can understand what these churches are saying because the words that Paul wrote are so much different than the rest of the Bible. The point I’d make is that there were very few that believed what was written in the OT. The scrolls were read every day, but no one took the time to listen to the words. The UNBELIEF was so great in the times of Jesus’ ministry.

It has turned into that today. The largest difference is in the amount of people that DO NOT read the Word, and they don’t listen to it either. The WORD, our Holy Bibles are everywhere, except no one uses them. This has been my number ONE issue with this world today. We have been given the Word to help us through this life and this world looks toward others to make their life easier.

We build bomb shelters in our back yards instead of reading and preparing our future for what the Word tells us to do.

We buy solar panels and MRE’s (Meals-Ready-to-Eat) so we are going to be able to survive when our food sources run out.

We buy portable water filters so we can clean dirty, filthy, undrinkable water and presumably we can use the liquid in our MRE’s.

But no one reads the Word to realize, that in the book of Revelation, it is written telling us of a future without a sun, without drinkable water, without power to charge our cell phones or our laptops, no power. Everything that we today consider a necessity for our daily lives to continue, will one day cease to exist.

Have you ever read the Book of Revelation?

For those of us that BELIEVE in the Words that God has given us, the events that are going to happen in Revelation will occur without us being present. We have been promised of being removed from the events that are going to unfold.

A very fast Bible study lesson on the book of Revelation. There are twenty-two (22) chapters in the book, but the book has very easily been split into three (3) parts by God for us.


Revelation 1:3 ‘…Blessed is the one who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy and keep the things which are written in it; for the time is near…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

In other words, we should get ourselves in order for what could be happening at any time.

Revelation 1:11 ‘…saying, write on a scroll what you see, and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

John was told to ‘write what you see.’ In all fairness to John, he would first have to interpret what it was that he was looking at before he could write it down. This could be just one reason why this book has been so difficult over the years to comprehend. We are reading John’s interpretations.

Revelation 1:19 ‘…Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

God is giving us the book, split into three parts:


Past – seen

Present – are

Future – after these things

In chapter 1, John is told what was happening. After those things were voiced, they would have been PAST.

To save time, we’re going to jump to chapter 4:

Revelation 4:1 ‘…After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things…’ NASB (New American Standard Bible)

I know, I know, you’re saying this book cannot be this easy …

… God is trying to tell you, YES, THIS BOOK IS THIS EASY.


For that UNBELIEVING person out there, that ONLY believes what is said in the AKJV, check this out.

Revelation 1:19 ‘…Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

Revelation 4:1 ‘…After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)


So, we have just identified:

Chapter 1 is the past. Chapter 4 is the future. Therefore because of self-elimination, chapter 2 and 3 are happening in the present.

Chapters 2 and 3 are the letters to the seven (7) churches.

There were seven churches where the letters were addressed and sent to.

However, we would have to be stupid, if we didn’t realize there were more than seven churches in existence when John was told to write these letters.

Seven in the Bible, is written meaning ‘completion’ or ‘perfection (or in this case ALL).’

Given to us by

The number seven can represent a full and complete world, or perfection and completeness. For example, the seven days of creation and the seven days of the week.

In Scripture, seven often symbolizes completion or perfection. Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, and, upon completion, God rested on the seventh day.

Remember those last six words used above …

God rested on the seventh day.

We are going to end this lesson right here and we will pick it back up, starting with those six words again.

I love every one of y’all. I pray and hope each one of you has a blessed day. See you again tomorrow morning.

Always remember to keep on studying the Word. God gave us the Word to protect us from all that could damage us that is found in this world. Put on the Armor that God has given us to help protect us every day. (Ephesians 6 – the Armor of God)

Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen

InHIM. ><)))o>

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