What do we do when – 1

Tuesday 021125

Ephesians 2:8-9 ‘…For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s GIFT, so that no one can boast about it…’ GNT (Good News Translation)

You and I together, let’s open and study the Word that we have ALL been given. Use me to help you study the Bible and allow me to be used to help you search what God wants for us to hear.

Let’s only follow what we find that pertains to us and realize that it’s only from our own effort in studying His Word that is going to let us take anything away that we can use in our lives by ourselves and with those that we love.

The verses we are going to study tonight:

Leviticus 18:22-24, 20:13; Romans 1:18-32.

So, beginning tonight, our lessons are probably going to get more and more difficult than they’ve ever been for us. As we study God’s Word, we need to keep our prayers always in Him, asking that He’d be with us as we move forward.

I believe it would be foolish for me to keep it all ‘sugar and spice and everything nice’ kind of an atmosphere when honestly, we’ve not been told it’s going to remain that way in our Bibles.

Life and times have been hard in the past and we can just about be assured, it’s going to stay that way in the near future.

The other night, my wife and I were heading out for an evening ride over to see our grandkids and our neighbor came by to see us as we were leaving.

For ninety (90) minutes, the three of us stood out in our driveway and we were having a Bible study, a neighborhood church service. The three of us were head deep in the Word.

My neighbor has a daughter who is a lesbian and my wife has two nieces who also claim to be lesbians. Our neighbor asked, ‘what should we do if we don’t agree with what they’re doing?’

Honest question. Today we are bombarded in the front, on the side and behind us with this and other relevant situations that happen every day in the 21st century.

Let’s dig into what the Bible teaches us, and we’ll leave it at that.

The 1st use found in the Bible on the subject of homosexuality is found in Leviticus.

Leviticus 18

vs22 ‘…Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination…’

vs23 ‘…Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion…’

vs24 ‘…Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

A second time it is used is also in Leviticus.

Leviticus 20:13 ‘…If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them…’ AKJV (Authorized King James Version)

1st things first. Leviticus is the 3rd book found in the Bible. The 1st five books found in the Bible, are known as being the ‘LAW.’ Being a ‘Gentile,’ the law has nothing to do with my future promise, given to me by God Himself.

2nd thing, personally as a person, I am unable to justify a man having sex with a man, or a woman having sex with another woman.

I cannot defend any human being, male, female or other, having sex with an animal. To me, all three are not even options that should ever happen.

But with all of the above being said, what are we told in the Word that we can take from this and learn and then move forward.

From our last study, I’m talking about what does the Bible say concerning us in the Age of Grace.

From that previous study, Acts 9:3 through Philemon, and Revelation 3:14-22 have been written for us in this Age of Grace.

Romans 1

vs18 ‘…God in heaven shows that he is angry with people. He is angry because they do not respect him, and they do bad things. Because they continue to do those bad things, they choose not to accept God’s true message…’

vs19 ‘…They should understand what God is like, because God himself has shown it to them clearly…’

vs20 ‘…Ever since God made the world; he has been showing people clearly about himself. We cannot see God. But the things that he has made show us clearly what he is like. We can understand his great power that continues for ever. We can know that he is the true God. So, there is no reason for anyone to say, ‘We could not know about God…’

vs21 ‘…Those people really knew about God. But they did not respect him as a great God, and they did not thank him. They did not even think clearly anymore. Their minds became confused, and they did not understand God’s message…’

vs22 ‘…They said that they were wise, but really they became fools…’

vs23 ‘…They refused to worship the great God who can never die. Instead, they made false gods for themselves. They worshipped idols that were like people who must die. They also made idols that looked like birds, animals and snakes, and they worshipped them…’

vs24 ‘…So God let those people do all the bad things that they wanted to do. God let those disgusting things rule their lives. As a result, they did bad things with each other’s bodies. They did things that people should be ashamed to do…’

vs25 ‘…They refused to believe the true things about God. Instead, they chose to believe lies. They worshipped things that God has made, and they became servants of those things. But they refused to worship God himself who made those things! Everyone should praise him forever! Amen. This is true…’

vs26 ‘…Because those people turned against God, he let those bad things rule their lives. They strongly wanted to do things that they should be ashamed about. Even the women stopped having sex in a way which is proper. Instead, they began to have sex with other women, which is not proper…’

vs27 ‘…Also, the men stopped having sex with women. Instead, they strongly wanted to have sex with other men. Men did bad things with other men that they should be ashamed about. Because they did such wrong things, they received in their own bodies the punishment that was right…’

vs28 ‘…Those people decided that they did not need to know anything about God. So, God let their minds become spoiled. As a result, they do bad things that people ought not to do…’

vs29 ‘…They only think about wrong and bad things that they want to do. They want many things for themselves. They want to hurt other people. They are always jealous of other people. They kill people. They quarrel and fight with people. They are not honest or kind. They say silly things about other people…’

vs30 ‘…They tell lies about people. They hate God. They insult other people. They are proud and they say how important they are. They think of many ways to do bad things. They do not obey their parents…’

vs31 ‘…They do not understand what is right. They do not do what they have promised to do. They do not love anyone, and they are not kind to anyone…’

vs32 ‘…These people understand God’s message about what is right. They know that people who do bad things like this ought to die. But they still continue to do those bad things. They are even happy when other people do those bad things too…’ EASY (Easy English Bible)

We are being told by the apostle Paul that God has allowed this to happen because those same people themselves, they do not show any respect towards God.

Vs21, they have no ‘respect’ towards God.

Vs23, they refuse to worship Him.

Vs24, so God let’s them continue in their devious ways.

Vs25, MOSTLY, they refuse to BELIEVE.

We might need to use a little common sense here, because God is allowing them to continue committing these deeds against themselves, we So in essence, MUST believe that these deeds are wrong in the eyes of God.

Here is where it gets difficult on our part, if it’s wrong in Gods eyes, how can we as believers in God, say that it’s alright for our kids and our kin to get involved in these deeds?

Unfortunately for these people practicing and continuing in these evil ways, the final outcome doesn’t have a very promising outcome for them.

What are they hurting by continuing to have homosexual and lesbian relationships some may ask, how are they hurting themselves or anyone else, and the simple and only answer that can be given is there is and has never been any promise of Everlasting Life by going down this path to destruction that they are on.

Man-made churches today, are accepting these homosexuals and lesbians in their doors and accepting their bad habits, because they think they’ll get money from them. They think they’ll be able to make up the difference from those they’ve lost because of their past lies.

But ALL the parties are looking at futures that will be coming to an end. These man-made churches, homosexuals and lesbians have no future to look forward to anything other than torment.

And even worse, family members that accept these evil practices are also looking to torment.

These homosexuals and lesbians have no future. Everlasting torment cannot be a promise that someone looks forward to.

Do I sit back at night and glow with anticipation on that day when all this torment will happen, actually I don’t because there are so many that deserve more than what they are going to receive.

Unfortunately, their future depends on themselves making a change and a change in their hearts. But I don’t see anything even close to that happening.

This subject will need to continue because of the number of those souls facing this crisis.

We will dig in deeper beginning in the next lesson.

I love y’all. Jesus is there for us even if we think we’re being left alone with no one watching out for us.

Keep your Bibles open and keep yourself in the Word. Prayer is important to us, especially in these difficult areas that surround our lives.

Jesus, we pray for ALL those tonight that are not standing the way You want for them to stand before You. Help us God and give us the knowledge so we can assist this world with what needs to be voiced for us all to see what is happening in front of us.

Allow us ALL to be used Father so we might be able to save, even if it’s ONLY one.

Jesus, I pray that those ears and eyes, either listening or seeing this message today would be opened to the very fullest and allow Your love to come inside their lives and comfort them. Teach us Jesus. Protect us. We love You. Amen

InHIM. ><)))o>

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